Download the game and the "How to play":
My responsibilities:

The visual effects include:
1. Planes' hit reaction.
2. Planes' healing visual effect.
3. Animated thrusters.
4. Flying bullets.
5. Bullet to terrain hit reaction.
6. Bullet to water hit reaction.
7. Muzzle flash.
8. Contrails.
9. Missile trails.
10. Missile to terrain explosion.
11. Missile to water explosion.
12. Missile to plane explosion.
13. The general look of enemy base.
14. Enemy base hit reaction.
15. The damaged effects of enemy base.
16. Invincible effect of planes.
17. Level up effect( Two rings crossing each other and
scale up from the center of the plane )
The camera effects include:

1. A camera that follows the plane and pans as the plane banks.
2. A camera with wider FOV, that gives the player more sense of speed.
3. A reverse camera for the player to look behind.
4. A roaming camera in Tally screen.
5. A camera that zooms in to the cockpit to see a menu when the player pause the game and zoom back out when the player unpause the game.